Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Class,New Friends!

F3p1 is my new class :)

From left : Fitriah,nabila,ziqah,fadhillah,izham,fafa,nuon,pah,lion and me :)

p/s : ade lg, missing in action! hehe.

Best kawan ngn korang :)

Back to KMK!

Senior year ~

This time im going for register back to my college without my mother.

Its only my dad and I.

Really tired when picked all my baggage into my room.

But i missed my last sem room!!

This year im not only moved to new room but another block.

Mujur la bkn sye sorang sje! hee ~

And..I had my new roomate!

There's only me as a senior in my room.

Adik2 sye Teha, Huda and Mira.

Dlm blik tue sumer laen2 ngeri,kedah,tganu,perak and of course png! hehe.

On that evening,kteorng ade riadah. Aiii dh jd senior pn kne pgi jgk ke? hee~

This year,bju koko wrne kuning n purple.

iLOVE the yellow one!!

tyme riadah kt astaka :)

Same col with our blocks. Ahakx!

But KMK totally diff,you know what i mean :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cuti Sem Dah Nak Habis :(

Salam. Hye! Hye!. This is my first post so hope that you enjoy reading this :)
Cuti sem pn dh nk hbis. Xkuar mne2 lgi. hehe. 02/05/10 hari tue Cik Mai (my classmate) ajk kuar bfre we are going back to matric. Cik Mai ajk g Png cause de Bridal Photography Exhibition (Bripex) kt PISA. Smpai je kt island still awl lg so kteorng decided g Penang Times Square dlu. Agk sesat gk la otw ke TS tue. hehe. Xde pe sngt pn cause bru bkak but kteorng sempat mnjdi model2 di kaki2 5 TS tue. haha. So ini je la pic y kteorng smpat snap pn..


Tiru je patung tue. hehe.

Lpas je round kt TS tue. Xde pe sngt pn. So kiteorng decided g Gurney Plaza. Perut kiteorng dh b'bnyi nk mkn A&W. Wuawua. Tpi mak aiii parking pnuh. Brape kali gk la memusing kt situ. hehe.



Pas round2 kt Gurney Plaza,bru la g PISA. Xde pe sngt pn Bripex tue dan agk boring. huhu. So kteorng plng la ke seberang g Pacific lak. Kt situ kteorng bli ksut. Sbbnye skit kaki b'jln ngn ksut y kteorng gh pkai. huhu. Really needs foot massage!!

Our Atlanta. Hee~

Bila dh xskit kaki. Pg wat Express Pedicure. hehe. Eieieieiei kaki busuk!!!.

Cik Cila

Cik Mai
Di Pacific tue terjumpa Intan & Yana (ex-schoolmate). huhu. Muka dh lain2 bila lme dh xjmpe. Hampir xku knal. hehe. Anyway dpt jgak released keboringan waktu cuti ni. hehe.