Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Assalamualaikum :)

Saja nak kongsi dari buku Rojak. Cite cite yg best je aku post :D Kalau dah bace tak pe le ^_^

Cerita Hantu Asrama

Masa A-LEVEL dulu aku belajar di sebuah kolej berasrama di KL. Bangunan kolej dan bilik asrama itu asalnya tempat letak kereta bertingkat. Jadi pelajar kolej boleh buat pilihan sama ada mahu guna tanjakan atau tangga.

Tapi bukan itu cerita ngeri yang nak aku sampaikan.

Cerita ngeri yg sbnr brlaku di bumbung blik asrama. Inilah tempatnya pasangan2 berkhalwat tanpa gangguan warden asrama. Lagipun,berbanding dgn tmpt2 lain yg pengap dan melemaskan di kolej ini,kawasan atas bumbung inilah yg paling nyaman,terutamanya di waktu malam.

Pada satu malam yang kelam tak berbintang,aku duduk di atas bumbung menunggu pasangan khalwat aku. Dalam tgh menunggu,aku ternampak seorang mak cik sedang menyidai baju di ampaian. Yang peliknya,semua pakaian yg dia sidai tu putih melepak. Apa makcik ni buat di sini?

Aku tak dapat tengok muka dia. Tapi,macam pakaian yg dia sidai,pakaian dia pun serba putih.

Aku dekati makcik tu dgn rsa ingin tahu. "Makcik..." aku mulakan bicara.

"Ya?" dia jwb tanpa tgk aku. Masa inilah bau wangi menerjah lubang hidung aku. Aku tak pasti sama ada makcik ini atau pakaian yg dia basuh tu yg wangi.

Entah kenapa,aku mula menggeletar. Tapi aku cekal. " Baju yg makcik basuh..."

Dia pusing. Mata dia putih bersih sampai nampak bersinar. Kalau pun dia ada anak mata hitam,nampaknya ia tenggelam oleh biji matanya.

Aku sambung soalan aku."Macam...macam mana baju ni boleh putih melepak sampai mcm ni?"

Dia terkekeh ketawa,walhal aku bkn buat lawak. Suara dia mcm bergema tapi rasanya mcm khusus untuk aku seorang.

Dia datang dekat. Bau wangi semakin menusuk sampai aku rasa mual. Aku rasa tak selesa,tapi tak mampu bergerak. Kemudian makcik tu bagi jawapan yg aku tak boleh lupa sampai sekarang:

"Itulah kelebihan Fab!"

Putus cinta

In front of Wati who is now in Bukit Tunku,whom I hope is well. Wati, I think our relationship should end here. My love for you was real but I have been clapping with one hand. You were so mean to me at your becoming-day party,just because you were with your rich friends while I'm from a difficult family. I never knew there was a prawn behind the rock all this while:you were using me to make your ex jealous! How my liver hurt when you showed your true self. I guess what they say is true:hornbills with hornbills,sparrows with sparrows. Let me now bring myself.

Maybe it was the Satan-water talking,but why did you have to call me such names? You dropped my face-water and scribbled charcoal all over my face. Once is enough. I dont want the banana to fruit two times.

I know I am just a dispatch guy but I still have feeling. I thought you were my liver-fruit but you saw me as just a pick-up brother at best and a joke at worst. All those times that we ate the wind at Lake Garden,feeding the ducks and rowing the boats,I thought a love was blossoming. But you were planting sugarcane at your lips. I gave you my body and soul but after the honey had been extracted,the husk was thrown away.

What your friend Suzy said to me still plays in my ear: Your fish-hook is so small,dont try to contend wih the ocean!" How did she get this information about my fish-hook? Have you been telling stories from inside the mosquito-net?
I know my education is not as tall as yours. But I still have self-price. So just pretend I never existed in your life.

Yours in sadness,

The writer : Amir Muhammad


  1. hahahahaha lawak! cambest ja buku ROJAK ni. takpa. kak shila update, fyn baca. hehehehe :D

  2. InsyaAllah dik :) kalo kak shila rajin menaip. huhu. but dua crita ni are most funny la bg kak shila. hehe.
